CEO-ul BlackBerry sustine ca iPhone-ul are o interfata invechita

luni, 18 martie 2013

Thorsten Heins este CEO al Blackberry de cateva luni bune, iar sub conducerea sa compania pare sa isi revina din criza financiara in care se afla. Intr-o tentativa de a atrage putin atentia lumii, tanarul CEO al BlackBerry sustine ca iPhone-ul este un dispozitiv vechi cu o interfata veche, laudand totusi Apple pentru dezvoltarea sa. El sustine ca actualele terminale BlackBerry sunt mai bune decat iPhone-urile in ceea ce priveste multitasking-ul, si sustine ca producatorii de terminale Android au intrecut de mult Apple, iar compania americana trebuie sa lanseze noi iPhone-uri la perioade de timp ceva mai mici.

“Apple did a fantastic job in bringing touch devices to market … They did a fantastic job with the user interface, they are a design icon. There is a reason why they were so successful, and we actually have to admit this and respect that,” Mr Heins said. “History repeats itself again I guess … the rate of innovation is so high in our industry that if you don’t innovate at that speed you can be replaced pretty quickly. The user interface on the iPhone, with all due respect for what this invention was all about is now five years old.”

Singurul domeniu in care Heins sustine ca Apple are un produs ce domina piata este cel al tabletelor, acolo niciun competitor nefiind indeajuns de bun pentru a detrona tabletele iPad. Practic Heins incearca sa se faca remarcat atacand Apple, unul dintre competitorii cei mai importanti ai BlackBerry, insa asta nu inseamna ca el greseste in totalitate. V-am spus si astazi ca Apple are nevoie de cateva schimbari, acum ramane de vazut daca le va face sau nu.

Mr Heins said one area that the new BlackBerry phones had surpassed the iPhone was in the ability to multi-task – running multiple apps at once – meaning that users could work in the same fashion on their smartphone as they liked to on a laptop. Along with Samsung, other phone makers, like HTC and Nokia have also impressed industry watchers with the quality of their top-end smartphones, leading to questions about whether Apple needs to speed up its release cycle of new iPhones. “The point is that you can never stand still. It is true for us as well. Launching BB10 just put us on the starting grid of the wider mobile computing grand prix, and now we need to win it,” Mr Heins said.

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